Technology-Based Trends For Software Testing For 2019

technological trends in software testing 2019

Software testing comprises ways to analyze a software item to detect defects. Also, it aims to evaluate the features of the software product.

Hopefully, 2019 will yield as a vital year in software testing.

However, the technological shift has just begun. As we have stepped into 2019, we should expect more milestones as several new software testing trends are being discovered. QC/QA must be hoping to take shape shortly.

1. The Shift:- Quality Assurance to Quality Engineering

As of, Software testing world QC/QA has been the approach of choice.

Although, QC/QA is now an intricate field that comprehends a hand full of skills and technology.,

2. Organizations Democratize Load Testing

A specific discipline considerably was load testing at once; though the advent of new tools changed the picture.  As a consequence, more testers with a traditional QA background shall predictably get involved with load testing as 2019 steps in.

View more points more about QA latest technological trends, here.

Note: This blog is originally published at BugRaptors.

Software Testing For Utilities Sector – Why Need It?

Even though the Energy and Utilities sector has been going through its own set of challenges over the last few years, some of the world-renowned surveys agencies such as IDC (International Data Corporation) predict that utilities will take on at least 40% of their earnings using new business models and services by 2018.

The focus is on the consumers and their convenience, and specific attention to make the experience more powerful and intimate. Digital technologies have been dealing with challenges such as increasing operational costs, resource inadequacy, regulatory compliance, and reaching out to new geographical areas.

Most of the Energy companies are trying to find new and innovative ways to deal with these loopholes, and updating/modernizing their business for delivering enhanced quality services.

Role of QA Services in the Energy and Utility Sector:

Nowadays, almost all industries rely on data-driven decisions.

As far as utilities-based digital transformations are concerned, software testing and Quality Analyst plays a vital role in transforming utility products to acceptable end-user products.

Visit the original post to read more about the software testing importance in utility sector.

Source: BugRaptors Corporate Blog

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